Private lessons & small groups

Private lessons are a great way to get personalized attention and instruction. Whether it is your first time touching clay or you are working toward perfecting your craft or making a specific form, we'd love to help. We offer a variety of lessons, from an hour introduction into clay to weekly lessons to propel your practice. You can focus on the specific skills and techniques you’d like to learn, have a creative night with friends, or take a spin on the wheel for fun.

Things to know

  • Private lessons vary in time, you can choose from 1 hour, 2 hours or a reoccurring 5 week class. Each lesson will cover the basics of wheel throwing or hand-building upon request. See all of our offerings on our shop page to help guide your selection.

  • Each participant will get to make up to two pieces on the wheel. Our staff will trim and glaze each piece with your selection of glaze.

  • Pricing varies depending on the number of people in your group, so sign up for what class you are looking for and then add however many additional participants will be in your group. If you are chaperoning a younger child, you can do so without paying the additional participant fee.

  • Looking for a custom class for a group of people? Fill out the form below, I love hearing your ideas and accommodating each unique creative opportunity.

  • All ages welcome.

Private lessons require payment to secure and confirm your spot. After completing the form below, we will reach out to you to set up a date and time that works for your schedule. Once we have agreed upon a date you can checkout via our shop page to confirm your spot. If you need to reschedule your lesson, please do so with at least 48 hours notice. No refunds are available for cancelations made within 48 hours of the lesson. The only exceptions to this policy are a documented medical emergency.